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An Appeal For The Return of Funds
Made Available to Ajay Singh

formerly with Open Dharma

Read SanghaSeva's Full Statement
about Ajay Singh's Ethical Misconduct





Dear Sangha,

We are writing to you for your support to help in the return of substantial sums of money invested by two European women with Ajay Singh of Lucknow, an Indian spiritual teacher formerly with Open Dharma.

Ajay Singh had offered these women, who were his students at that time, to participate in investments by buying land. He said that there was no risk involved, and they would have all the money returned within six months to three years with much interest.

Both women have been long standing Dharma practitioners, who gave their money in good faith. They believed that their teacher would keep his word and return the money to them with the interests he promised. The money invested amounts to more than €100,000 (more details about the amounts below).

Both women have made years of heartfelt appeals to him. One woman is a single mother with a young child. Both women live on a tight daily budget.

Readers will appreciate the hurt and disappointment of the two women. They experienced a sense of betrayal that their spiritual teacher has exploited their trust and goodwill. Ajay Singh has claimed regularly that he is a Sadhguru (enlightened master).

In February 2016, we were asked for our help in resolving this painful issue, which is causing much distress to the two women and concern in the international Sangha. We have spent more than a year working with the two women looking for ways to resolve the issue.

We have sent several emails to Ajay Singh reminding him to keep his promise to repay these students. In his replies he has promised to repay but he has always failed to honour the assurance. We have copies of our emails and his replies.

We ask the sangha to write to Ajay Singh to return the money to the rightful owners. Please write in a respectful and polite manner in harmony with the ethics of wise communication. We would appreciate your support.

We advised Ajay Singh last September that we would take this public step in early 2017 if he failed to return the money. He has consistently claimed he has the money for the two women but continues to cling onto it.

His email address is: Ajay Pal Singh ajaylucknow7@gmail.com
You can use this link to generate a templated message to Ajay with the subject line and the message body text pre-filled. Please add your name, and feel free to edit, replace or skip this template. If you prefer to write your own message, please do.

May we be a support to each other in times of need. Please contact us if you have information you wish to offer or have further questions.

In the Dharma,
Nathan Glyde
Zohar Lavie
Christopher Titmuss

More Details:

The Financial Breakdown

  • The two students of Ajay invested money with him between 2007 – 2011
    • One student is still missing €84,000 and the promised interests.
      • She has only received back a total of €11,000 out of €95,000

    • The second student is missing €6,000 and the promised interests from the €53,000 she originally loaned him. She also lost 10 years of interest on her savings.