we are SanghaSeva | Meditation in Action
We Grow
Retreats That Touch The World
About Us
SanghaSeva | Meditation in Action believes meditation and activism go hand-in-hand. We offer events that combine meditation with action at humanitarian and ecological projects.
Vision and Mission
Be The Change You Wish To See
We envision a world free from greed, hatred and delusion.
We believe that the way to get there involves exploring our inner selves and taking direct action. This requires a creative combination of sensitivity and agency.
Meditation is…
…the cultivation of wholesome and beneficial states of being. It involves gathering your attention and stepping out of our habitually harmful relationships to what we meet. Our experiences depend on what we pay attention to and how we pay attention. By changing how we relate to what we perceive, we shape our inner world.
Activism is…
…the cultivation of a wholesome and beneficial state for all beings. Given the current state of the world, it is important to engage with courage, clarity, and compassion. We cannot achieve radical change alone. Cooperative action is necessary to free the world from greed, hatred, and delusion.
Resolving Suffering
Meditation and positive action aim to reduce suffering, but they often use different methods. Although distinct, they are not contradictory. We feel that the combination of purposeful activities with a meditative approach gives more benefit than doing them separately. This is especially true when it comes to the increase in meaningfulness and reducing burnout.
We are inspired by all wise and compassionate beings. We value non-violence, deep ecology, and Dharma teachings. A deep bow to all those who dedicate their lives to the well-being of all. Likewise, we aspire to be empathetic to all life experiences, and to creatively respond to the needs of all beings in our service.
image: anjan58
Upcoming Events
Find A Retreat
Join an inspiring events in the UK, France, and Israel-Palestine, or come to one of our
Follow the links on the images for more information about a specific
retreat, or see all our retreats on our events page.
Humanity in Action: Calais, France
This retreat will form around the positive action of helping support refugees in Calais. Our time there will be an act of solidarity and contribute to a real difference for those who truly need help. We will also have time for meditation, discussions, and group processing.
Earth Care Day: London
A one day event offering service in the inner city wilderness of Tower Hamlet Cemetery Park. We will meditatively work on whatever seasonal tasks are required to support all the beings who live in or pass through this natural oasis.
Being Peace: Israel-Palestine
An inspiring opportunity to come to the Holy Land and support Palestinian and Israeli peace activists. We will offer practical help by picking olives, and we will have the chance to empathetically listen to their lives: especially the impact of living under occupation.
Earth Care: Tree Planting
Working with the inspiring Moor Trees charity, we will participate in the essential work of reforesting Dartmoor. In pursuit of this noble end, we will get to work with trees from sprouting acorns to mature forests.